HTML5 To Jekyll
A blog post about making blogs

I just finished my 5th week at Metis, so I decided what better way to celebrate than spend my weekend re-working my blog!
Making Jekyll work with HTML5 is a bit of a headache. I hope my pain can be your gain.
There’s a great tutorial on how to convert a theme to here but I’ll toss a few things that I found would’ve helped past me. I’m giving tips from the perspective that you at least skimmed this guide.
- Find an HTML5 template you like.
- Get Jekyll running.
- Add the necessary folder structure and config files to your template.
- Customize.
I’ll skip to number three since the first two should be pretty straight forward. The best tip I have for past me is to break up each section into an _include. It adds a lot of flexibility in how your layouts are designed.
For example having a header is necessary, but adding specific HTML for say a specific menu allows you to have slightly different headers to suit your needs.
In terms of customization, I spent far too much time wresting with the liquid code. I really hope I didn’t miss the easy way, but finding indexes and going through arrays was a monstrosity.
#Finds the index of the current page as well as the total for the number of posts.
for post in site.posts
assign max = forloop.length | minus : 2
if page.url == post.url
assign current = forloop.index
#If the post is less than 3 from the start or greater than 3 from the end,
#use the first 5 pages or last 5 respectively.
if current < 3
assign current = 3
elsif current > max
assign current = max
#For each post use two posts forward in time and two backwards in as the links in the sidebar.
for post in site.posts
assign last = current | plus : 3
assign first = current | minus : 3
if forloop.index > first and forloop.index < last
This little bit was necessary just to create chronologically adjacent sidebar links further than 1 post away.
Finally, copy elements from other themes. Tons of HTML5 based themes are available here and they’re already fit for jekyll
Liquid is really annoying and Jekyll is really amazing.